Accessibility Support in Trac
Not every user has a graphic environment with a mouse or other pointing device. Some users rely on keyboard, alternative keyboard or voice input to navigate links and activate form controls. In a Trac session, users can use devices other than a pointing device by enabling keyboard shortcuts through the Keyboard Shortcuts preferences panel.
Trac supports accessibility keys for the most common operations. The access keys differ by browser and the following work for several browsers:
- on Linux platforms, press any of the keys listed below in combination with the <Alt> key
- on a Mac, use the <Ctrl> + <Opt> key instead
- on Windows, you need to hit <Shift> + <Alt> + <Key>. This works for the most common browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer
Also see access in different browsers for more details.
Global Access Keys
- 1 - WikiStart
- 2 - Timeline
- 3 - Roadmap
- 4 - Search
- 6 - Trac Guide / Documentation
- 7 - New Ticket
- 9 - About Trac
- e - Edit (wiki or report)
- r - Preview (wiki or ticket)
- f - Search
TracBrowser Access Keys
- j - Select next entry
- k - Select previous entry
- o - Expand folder/view file
- <Enter> - Expand folder/view file
See also: TracGuide
Last modified 6年 ago
Last modified on 2019年5月30日 下午5:09:57